아래는 이번 전시를 준비하며 진행한 인터뷰 전문이다:
Q: 조현 갤러리의 ‘Dawns’ 전시는 보라색 단색화와 황금색 조각을 통해 강렬한 에너지를 표현하고 있습니다. 서울에서 열린 ‘Dusks’ 전시는 검정과 황금의 대비가 돋보이는데요, 이 시리즈와 색상이 지닌 의미에 대해 설명해 주실 수 있을까요?
A: ’Dawns’ 전시는 빛, 에너지, 움직임을 주제로 삶의 아름다움을 표현합니다. 반면 ‘Dusks’ 전시는 고요함, 사색, 침묵, 내면 성찰을 담고 있습니다. 저에게 검정은 명상의 침묵을 상징하는 색입니다. 회색과 검정으로 표현된 이 작품들은 회화라기보다는 오브제에 가깝습니다. 두 전시는 낮과 밤이라는 주제로 연결되어 있으며, 삶의 일부로서 서로 이어져 있습니다. 이는 짧은 삶을 경험하고 흘러가는 시간에 대한 감각을 일깨워줍니다.
Q: 유기적인 재료와 미니멀리즘 스타일을 사용하여 시간과 우연성을 강조하는 작품을 작업하고 계십니다. 작업에 대해, 그리고 작업 과정에 대해 좀 더 자세히 말씀해 주실 수 있나요?
A: 제 작품은 전적으로 과정에 기반하고 있습니다. 저에게 중요한 것은 재료와 그 과정의 탐구입니다. 저는 의도적으로 멕시코 전통을 반영하려고 하진 않지만, 멕시코와 그 전통이 저의 피와 영혼에 스며들어 있다고 생각합니다. 이러한 영향은 무의식적이기에 설명하기가 참 어렵습니다. 우연이나 통제 불가능한 요소를 통해 독특한
결과를 만들어 내며, 의식적인 것보다는 무의식적인 표현을 통해 미니멀하고 단순한 작품이 완성됩니다. 제 작업의 진화는 유기적이고 직관적인 방식으로 이루어지며 이러한 무의식적 작업 과정은 그저 자연스럽게 일어나는 것이라, 저도 끝난 후에는 기억하지 못할 때가 많고 본능에 의해 진행된다고 할 수 있습니다. 제 작품이 시간이 흐르며 변화하는 과정은 저에게 매우 중요한 부분인데, 세상에 존재하는 모든 것은 끊임없이 변화하고 있기 때문입니다.
Q: 무의식적인 요소나 예기치 않은 요소들이 어떻게 작용하길 바라시나요?
A: 우리는 인간으로서 짧은 시간을 여기서 살고 있으며, 모든 것이 끊임없이 변화하고 있습니다. 저는 작품이 변화할수록 더 아름다워진다고 믿습니다. 결국 작품은 우리가 통제할 수 없는 지점에 이르게 되죠. 각 재료는 고유의 결점과 특성을 지니고 있어 작품을 독특하게 만듭니다. 저는 통제의 불가능성, 시간의 흐름, 그리고 불완전함을 이야기하는 작품을 만드는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 이러한 예술은 자연과 삶의 근본적인 요소를 드러내며, 우리가 우주, 인간성, 그리고 세상과의 관계를 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 관객이 작품을 보고 각자의 방식으로 느끼고 해석하기를 바랍니다. 그렇게 해서 각자만의 의미를 찾는 경험이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
Johyun Gallery presents Dusks, a solo exhibition by Mexican contemporary artist Bosco Sodi, from November 22, 2024, to January 31, 2025, at Johyun Gallery_Seoul. This exhibition follows Dawns, held this fall at Johyun Gallery_Dalmaji. While Dawns metaphorically captured the light, energy, and movement of daybreak through the striking contrast of lavender monochrome works, gilded volcanic rock sculptures, and large-scale burlap works, Dusks offers a moment for introspection through the stillness, contemplation, and silence created by gray and black relief paintings. Like the natural passage from autumn into winter, these two exhibitions flow one into the other, their themes of day and night awakening our consciousness to life's ephemerality and time's ceaseless motion.
Bosco Sodi's distinctive textured relief paintings and sculptures appear as geological formations, something of chance encounters and uncontrollable elements that the artist faces during his creative process. Sodi collects unprocessed natural materials such as sawdust, clay, earth, and glue to create elemental and primal works through unconscious and instinctive expression. The artist particularly believes that the imperfections and intrinsic qualities of each material are crucial elements that manifest their essential character. This stems from his belief that works containing the passage of time and imperfections found in nature can help us understand the relationships between the cosmos, humanity, and the world.
Bosco Sodi's work, which has evolved across various media including painting, clay sculpture, and installation, eschews linear progression in favor of explorative garden-path approach to material and process. Since all existence is in perpetual flux, the transformative passage of time becomes the most crucial aspect of his practice. In preparation for this exhibition, Sodi reflected, "…everything is changing. I believe the more the works change, the more beautiful they become," adding that he "hopes the works will gradually move beyond the artist's hand and expand into different meanings through the viewers' interpretations."
Currently on view is Sodi's solo exhibition at He Museum in Forshan, China (November 10, 2024 - February 28, 2025), followed by a forthcoming presenation at Galería Hilario Galguera in Mexico City. The artist recently garnered significant critical attention for his dialogue with Izumi Kato at Ryosokuin Temple, Kyoto, where their two-person exhibition masterfully activated the historic space.
The following is the complete interview with the artist in preparation for this exhibition:
Q: The Dawns exhibition at Johyun Gallery expresses strong energy with purple monochrome paintings and gold sculptures. In contrast, the Dusks exhibition in Seoul combines black and gold. Could you explain the meanings behind these series and their colors?
A: The Dawns series is about light, energy, and movement—the beauty of life. Dusks, on the other hand, reflects serenity, contemplation, silence, and introspection. For me, black is the color of the silence of meditation. The gray and black works in Dusks are closer to objects than to paintings. The two exhibitions are linked through the theme of day and night, elements of life that flow into one another. They remind us of the experience of our brief time here and the passage of time itself.
Q: You work with organic materials in a minimalist style, emphasizing time and contingency. How do minimalism and organic materials influence your work?
A: My work is all about the process, about exploring the materials and letting accidents and the lack of control play a role. These create results that are unique. It’s an unconscious way of expression, leading to something minimal and simple. It’s an unconscious, instinctive process, almost like a trance, and hard to measure consciously. The evolution of my work is very organic and intuitive, so it’s hard to measure consciously. Over the years, my work has evolved across different mediums—paintings, ceramics, and clay sculptures—reflecting a continuous change. It’s less about a linear progression and more about an ongoing exploration within the materials and process. The process of change in my work is very important to me, as everything in the world is in constant flux.
Q: How do you hope the unintended elements in your work are experienced?
A: As humans, we live here for a brief time, and everything around us is in constant flux. I believe that as works change, they become more beautiful. Eventually, the work reaches a point where it is beyond our control. Each material has its own flaws and characteristics, which make the artwork unique. I believe it is important to create work that speaks to the impossibility of control, the passage of time, and imperfection. This kind of art reveals the fundamental elements of nature and life, helping us better understand the universe, humanity, and our relationship with the world. I hope that viewers will feel the work and interpret it in their own way, and that they will have a personal experience in finding their own meaning.
Q: Could you share any upcoming plans?
A: I'm opening this week my solo show at the He Museum in China, then I have a solo show in an important museum in Mexico, and many more projects are on the horizon.