Johyun Gallery
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Press Inquiries :
Tel. +82 (0)51 747 8853
171 Dalmaji-gil 65 Beon-gil
Busan, South Korea 48117
Tel. +82 (0)51 746 8660
5 Haeundaehaebyeon-ro 298 Beon-gil
Busan, South Korea 48099
Tel. +82 (0)2 2233 8852
249 Dongho-ro
Seoul, SouthKorea 04605
올해로 36주년을 맞이하는 조현화랑은 1989년 개관하여 한국의 현대미술의 오늘을 소개하고 지역 작가 발굴과 다양한 실험적 전시를 함으로써 부산 미술에 대한 활기를 불어넣는데 앞장섰다. 개관 당시 한국 현대 미술의 중요한 사조인 단색화 풍의 정창섭, 박서보, 이우환, 윤형근, 김기린의 전시를 여러차례 열었다. 이것은 한국 추상 회화에 대한 앞선 안목과 한국 현대미술 사조에 대한 깊은 이해를 보여주는 것으로 조현화랑의 성격을 보여주는 중요한 바탕이 되었다. 현대미술의 거장들을 꾸준히 소개하였으며 최근에는 김종학, 이배, 권대섭, 윤종숙, 진 마이어슨, 보스코 소디, 베르나르 프리츠, 클로드 비알라, 조루쥬 루쓰, 아야 타카노 등의 전시를 선보이며 호평을 받았다. 더 나아가 한국 현대 미술사의 흐름에 빼놓을 수 없는 중요한 전시를 개최하고 국내외 거장뿐만 아니라 강강훈, 안지산, 이소연, 조종성등 독보적인 작품세계의 구현으로 주목받는 작가들의 작업 활동 및 국제 무대 진출을 위한 통로에 힘쓰고 있다. 현재 국내외 아트페어에 활발히 참가하며 동시대 현대미술을 전 세계에 소개하고 주도하는 역할을 해 나가고있다.
The Johyun Gallery, which celebrates its 36th anniversary this year opened in 1989, took the initiative to revive Busan art by identifying local artists and organizing a number of experimental exhibitions. At the time of its opening, the gallery hosted a number of exhibitions by prominent Dansaekhwa artists from Korea's modern art movement, including Changsup Chung, Seo-bo Park, Ufan Lee, Hyongkeun Yun, and Gui-line Kim. These served as a crucial stepping stone for the gallery's identity since it provided a clear understanding of the Korean contemporary art movement and a superb perspective on Korean abstract painting. The recent exhibitions by the Johyun Gallery, which featured works by Chonghak Kim, Leebae, Daesup Kwon, Jongsuk Yoon, Jin Meyerson, Bosco Sodi, Bernard Frize, Claude Viallat, Georges Rousse and Aya Takano have received positive reviews. Johyun Gallery is also contributing to the introduction of contemporary art to the globe by consistently identifying and presenting young artists who are grabbing attention for their distinctive art world, like Kanghoon Kang, Jisan Ahn, Soyeun Lee, and Jongsung Jo while actively taking part in domestic and international art fairs.
The Johyun Gallery, which celebrates its 36th anniversary this year opened in 1989, took the initiative to revive Busan art by identifying local artists and organizing a number of experimental exhibitions. At the time of its opening, the gallery hosted a number of exhibitions by prominent Dansaekhwa artists from Korea's modern art movement, including Changsup Chung, Seo-bo Park, Ufan Lee, Hyongkeun Yun, and Gui-line Kim. These served as a crucial stepping stone for the gallery's identity since it provided a clear understanding of the Korean contemporary art movement and a superb perspective on Korean abstract painting. The recent exhibitions by the Johyun Gallery, which featured works by Chonghak Kim, Leebae, Daesup Kwon, Jongsuk Yoon, Jin Meyerson, Bosco Sodi, Bernard Frize, Claude Viallat, Georges Rousse and Aya Takano have received positive reviews. Johyun Gallery is also contributing to the introduction of contemporary art to the globe by consistently identifying and presenting young artists who are grabbing attention for their distinctive art world, like Kanghoon Kang, Jisan Ahn, Soyeun Lee, and Jongsung Jo while actively taking part in domestic and international art fairs.